Children’s charity set to hold fundraising bike ride
A children’s charity in Pelton, near the Drum Industrial Estate, is looking for children to take part in its All Ability Bike Ride on Sunday 11 June.
The two-mile bike ride, which is inclusive for children of all ages and abilities, will take place in Derwenthaugh Country Park.
Mandy Hammond, Community Fundraiser, said: “The bike ride was a great success last year and the charity wants to encourage even more children to take part, no matter what their cycling skills are. All children taking part will receive a goody bag and certificate on completion.”
Heel & Toe is the only charity in the North East to provide free Conductive Education therapy and subsidised therapies to children with physical disabilities and complex needs.
As it doesn’t receive government funding it relies solely on donations, fundraising activities and grants to pay for the therapy hundreds of children with physical disabilities and complex needs from across the region need.
Mandy added: “We need to raise £1,000,000 every year. Currently we help over 220 local children every week. The children who come to us for therapy are from all areas of the North East.”
Registration for the bike ride is £5 per child and accompanying adults can take part for free. It is a minimum sponsorship of £50 per household.
For further information or to register email, call 0191 3868606, or visit the website.

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