Overcome recruitment challenges with the Restart scheme

Reed in Partnership and the Restart Scheme, which helps long-term unemployed people into work, is keen to talk with employers of all sizes and sectors to support staffing needs.

Reed in Partnership delivers the Restart Scheme, which is part of the government’s Plan for Jobs, throughout the North East of England.

By working with Reed in Partnership, businesses receive free support to fill vacancies while enabling people in the area to change their lives for the better.

Local Job Centres refer people to their nearest branch of Reed In Partnership when they have been out of work for nine months or more.

Jobseekers using the Restart Scheme are often just looking for the right opportunity and they receives personal support from an Employment Adviser. Their plan will contain a range of support options, including skills development training, funding for job searching, self-employment advice, and referral to local community services.

Reed in Partnership also organise job fairs where any employer looking for staff can exhibit.

The Restart scheme is commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions.

To find out more, get support, or attend a jobs fair contact Anna Warner, Partnership Manager at Reed in Partnership, on 0778 3510 788 or email Anna.Warner@reed.com

Visit the Reed in Partnership website. 

Overcome recruitment challenges with the Restart scheme

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