Donate to the Trussell Trust foodbank with Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving, also known as Give As You Earn, is an easy, convenient and tax-effective way to make a regular donation, so it costs less to give more.
With Payroll Giving employees can donate to the Trussell Trust straight from their gross salary (before tax is deducted) giving immediate tax relief on donations.
Anyone who pays UK tax through PAYE can donate through Payroll Giving.
To donate through Payroll Giving, you have full control over how much you would like to give. There is no minimum, or maximum amount.
If you pay the basic 20% tax rate, for every £1 that you earn, 20p is paid in tax.
That means if you pledge £10 a month, we’ll receive the full amount but only £8 will be deducted from your net pay.
If you pay income tax at the higher rate of 40%, you can pledge £10 a month and only £6 will be deducted from your net pay, and at the highest rate of 45%, only £5.50 would be deducted.
Plus, it is more efficient for higher rate taxpayers to donate through Payroll Giving than Gift Aid as charities are unable to claim back tax above the basic rate through the Gift Aid scheme.
The income tax applicable to the donation is paid to the Trussell Trust instead of HMRC.
Get more details, including example of pledges and costs.
See more on how to support The Durham Food Bank, part of a nationwide network of foodbanks supported by The Trussell Trust. It is located at Unit 7/9 First Avenue, Drum Industrial Estate, Chester le Street, DH2 1AG.

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